Thursday, June 23, 2016

Uddalak Banerjee Poetry recognised and published by Trident in official Communication

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Oyster Shells

lovely,lovely small freights
costly,costly little bait,
think what may come to you,
It's oyster shell s of Tim May.

"THey say they hold pearl devine?
then why not we go and find?"
Grandpa smiled at the childs sight,
"But if we snatch the pearl won't
the oyster look pale?"

---------- uddalak


Love at first sight or true love bites,
what ever you say Mp3 is a kite,
IT glids its way up and down,
the winds the oceans like a fat lady in gown.

Sweet lady romance and all,
It s love that comes at beck and call,
Dreams come and go a potboiler
lies for us instore..

-------------composed in march 2006

Teeto teller

Lovely lovely sky so bright,
a teetoteller sat on my right,
humble as ever what ever he mumbeled.
I found pure love without fumble.

Race for power lay world apart,
his gentle words but balm to my aching heart,
his words sounded sweet as ever ,
teetoteller,teetoteller come to me forever.

-----------------------------uddalak (composed :2007 jan-march)

Loves Labour Lost

Lets go party tonight ,
loves Labour has elevated to fight,
In today s world all satake patake and that's al
love ends with daylight.

In yester years love was so devine,
After death damosels used to lean to reach for the lover left behind.
Today,my friends love has lost its flavour,
be it cinema ,music whatever,
loves flavour has become disfigured.

----------------------------uddalak(april 2007)

Realm of UBJ

ubj is a person so shy,
lively agile springy like rye,
lost in thought in insouciant antechambers,
does come up with an ant in timbers..

ubj loves to paint in sands near oceans,
meet people and faces in fairyland cases,
in dry summers and cold winters all,
ubj with toddy,the frog brings sizzling rain.

love to ubj is a dolphin caught in coral reef,
crying for help to the ocean deep,
yet no radar hears its cry dull summers pass ,
as winters cry.

love to ubj is still an ocean green,
as life passes in dreams unseen,
bullets rivet in the heart of king,
ubj bleeds in the fountain of crimson dreams.

when spring rain falls and drains fill with waterry sols ,
sitting beside the open window ubj recalls,
the funfilled days of limitless wonders ,
when clouds made faces and freedom chilled winters,
when the green clock shouts and cries in rage,
just then mom says "ubj, its time to wake".
--------------------------------------------------------------------ubj(uddalak banerjee)

composed in memory of SC sister.(class XB,VMS)

"In your forlorn eyes the world so lies,
in a school class' render,
With a silent bliss your lids so flip,
it makes all offender,
for we so shout at the top of house,
and make u much a defender.
Mam your eyes like a lotus so blooms,
and we like bees philander,
reserve yet simple your tender words so pull my dreams,
putting me rapt in wonder.-------------------------------------------UBJ(UDDALAK BANERJEE)

UBJ in a Campus Room

On a day lit bright,
with a shirt fit tight,
Ubj enters the room on right.

With a prayer so light
which makes Gods to sight
and help Ubj to fight
the lion on the chair before.

As the heart so trembles
and the mind so nimble
do the resume so ensemble
that future so bright ensure.

With butterfly fingers
hope so lingers
as mind humdingers
brings up the dead ashore.

May the shark so spark
the might of a lark
to sing and bark
to shatter the the dark
in the mind of the dragon ahead.

When like a demon he looks
i feel it spooks
and words do lose as fright cut lose
run unfetered in the green grasslands of hope.

May the God come and write
in Nitrr tonight a history of bliss
with whose kiss shall UBJ unleash
the hidden prodigy within.

===================================uddalak banerjee(UBJ)

Is Johny Home?

Aunty Aunty Is johny home?
Or is he roaming in search of foam?
Travor ,lily and joseph and I
All are searching for him since daylight.

Aunty tells “Johny has gone to Rome”,
Making UBj watch the Sicily tomb,
But nothing found “alas !”said travor in grief,
“when in the world will we get relief?”

“Silence Johny is no little boy”,said lily in a sullen coy,
“he makes paper chips to buy a toy”.
Travor asked “Is he a scientist or a mechanic of sorts?”
For “Ubj does not know much about his spot.”

Yes perhaps I must admit,
I don’t know where has johny been,
I think we all should find him soon ,
Or else who knows? he may land in moon.


Global Warming

Plumes showers and sewage all waste,
They are dumped in sea to rest,
But the sea does rise in disgust,
And that is seen in the tsunami bust.

May the lord bring some sense,
May Copenhagen stop the waste,
With Obama may the sun of conscience rise,
Or else the world awaits its demise.

The preaching priest often yells,
Fortuitous occurances seldom spells,
For the sake of sea shells,
Let us all stand up and jel.

For if the world doesnot stop its greedy run,
The world of ours will see no sun,
With one burst will the glacier break,
Making the world a giant lake.

SO before the dusk so arrives,
Let us all search the archives,
Without a stop we all will blow,
With no land but water who will row?

=================================Uddalak Banerjee(UBj)


hissing through the dark,
louder than a dog's bark,
like a lightning and a shark,
comes the village local clerk.

With luggage and cooleys swarming around,
from the steel wagon came a sudden sound.
Like an earthquake it came jerking around,
then came the shrill stopping sound.

Metals collided and friction heard,
the clerk came down with an older beard,
it was time for me to alight the train,
but alas i forgot the ticket with jane.

I searched my pockets in disgust,
the ticket however found nowhere,
I ran to the counter in an energy bust,
but alas!i was undone by the breach in trust

The station master fluttered the flag,
the iron giant came to its lively form,
all my dreams came to a shattering halt,
Slowly the giant went running out of sight.

I alone left clenched in dismay,
With no train i had nothing to forray,
i called jane to say of the day,
shocked she said,"what!u missed the train today!"



We all had fear,
that often ensneared,
Even the brightest sear,
with its name on the rear of college.

But as today we gear,
for the final smear,
We feel no fear ,
to face the rear ,
of the exams not so dear.

We always had a fight,
which kept us right,
now with daylight,
will the tight rope light,
the celebration that wait away.

With memories strong ,
may the pen respond ,
giving a fiting end ,
to the fight of quadruple years

==============================uddalak banerjee(ubj)


 When sun rose,
it looked to rose,
so dreamed a magic painter.

As the next day came,
as darkness rained,
he wonder what had asunder.

yet unsure as he walked on floor,
to reach the window silter,
He found no sun in the sky of noon,
to cause a drenching filter.
In its place lay there a sweet red rose ,
which made the magic render.

==============================uddalak banerjee(ubj)

Saturday, June 18, 2016



God you are true and everywhere,
IT is your name that people always swear,
but yet alas ! how ungrateful they,
Still raise questions on you in dismay!

I don’t know what life has instore,
But you always is in the core,
It doesnot matter what they sang,
For it is you in their heart that always rang.

I don’t know stories that were right or wrong,
For both good and evil were oblong,
Only truth that lies is nature of you,
We All else are just your crew.

=================================uddalak banerjee

A Sweet Dialemma

night is always good,
when lost in a dense deep wood,
of your charms and womenhood,
fantasy sweeps as it always should.

when u wear that colourful hood,
in rains that come when it feels it never would,
i dream of u when i never should,
yet time passes in shall will and could.
==============uddalak banerjee

In the Memory of Desdimona

When she smiled ,
she was just like a child,
and for me it was the best find,
a million miles just to see her smile..

In deep dark evenings Dreams like winters pass,
deep within comes silent hush,
that vents the dreams and a obsessed fast,
as every passing wind whizzes past.

With love so pure as thrist,
with a heart that is aching to rust,
with deep love and not just lust,
a wish to see her come back..for atleast once she must.
=============================uddalak banerjee

Random Muse

Life moves on like a river ,
it is full of surprises as ever,
no one knows how long we are together,
but yet we live on forever and ever.

Some wins come others end in defeat,
As always says john kelly and pit,
one who walks the distance with grit,
usually takes all creating a great feat.

===========================uddalak banerjee

Cyrus's Ascent

humility is Cyrus's reality,
but is it his by birth quality?
or is it his Tata fidelity?
it remains in marked confidenciality.

with a stake so huge,
it was obvious not ruse,
that Cyrus was infused,
to head Tata as Zeus.

=================uddalak banerjee

*Cyrus became the new head of 80 billion+ worth of Tata Brand taking over from Ratan Tata.

Try Try Try Again

Try Try Try Again,
it is no shame to lose in vain,
but always try again,
be it summer, winter or rain.

It is one life that we have,
Try Try Try Again,
it yield results that we all crave,
that rubs pain and brings joy again.

Try Try Try Again,
lets work in joy not sleep in shame,
for it's one life that we have,
lets be strong and brave again.

Failures come and success goes,
but the feeling stays not goes,
Try Try Try Again,
lets work in joy not sleep in shame.

=============================UDDALAK BANERJEE


words are magic for a shy,
it creates visions of love in an island dry,
no one knows when rains do come,
its words after all and i handsome.

here is no end to words and muses,
illicit love and endless chases,
yet there is time that comes in phases,
it is time to go with tears from one with million faces.

===============UDDALAK BANERJEE


when a beauty smiles,
it glows like moonlight skies,
bringing joy sky high,
which everyman wishes and tries.

=============================uddalak banerjee

MBA Admission

For packages high students do sigh,
but gds and pis never lie,
for it is attitude that takes one to a high,
its one in thousands that touches the sky.

Thousands of forms for mba is kind of a norm,
as crowd storms the centres in thousands form,
all of the above for just some extra corn,
life just passes in fulfillment of dream in a sojourn.

===============uddalak banerjee


In every meeting there should be a greeting,
atleast something that is worth a tweeting,
that leaves memories that are fleeting,
its what that keeps a gentle heart beating.

========================uddalak banerjee


hope is the rope,
that is like a dope,
which even the Pope,
uses to help us cope.

==================uddalak banerjee

Preparatory Phase

There were days in which i won,
there were days when fortune swung,
it was a song that i loved and sung,
i am just a traveller like xuanzang.
=================uddalak banerjee

Life @ XLRI

20 hours classes and programs galore,
commitees grill all juniors to the fore,
yet with dreams and no furor,
nightless days often implore.

In a class which is a melange of sorts,
doctors,IITians,BITS & NITians all sit in line like dots,
To every question reply comes like bots,
That is how is XL from the boy in blue shorts.

======================uddalak baneree

A month @ XLRI

A month have passed with a life now hashed,
time to fb seems suddenly slashed,
from robaxi to maxi fraxi saphire sigma as galaxy,
it is me and nandalal baxi in one small taxi.

Sitting alone in the backbench trenches,
its hard to hide from jomon's lenses,
but with sriman there are some hidden fences,
alas! in comes padhi and the whole class blenches.

=============================UDDALAK BANERJEE

NOTE: JOMON SIR our teacher for OB , Padhi sir our teacher for Labour law, sriman sir our teacher for FHR

Robaxi,maxi,sigma,saphire all committees of XLRI

Historic Love

I lived in time just breathed and dined in a city called Newisland, 
Longing and waiting and gazing just for you in the dreamland Aisle,
Yet for  living  I paint and rhyme but without you death seems Nigh,
Once  again as I wait and cry sitting alone in the lonely  Castle,
Undying pain never caeses to name that once  I gave to You  .

===============================UDDALAK BANERJEE


why to read ,why to write?
when u can sketch the world to life?
yet people chase a bright tomorrow..
but that only brings a larger sorrow.

Like a sparrow that dives in joy,
it is dreams light that people enjoy,
why to read ,why to write?
when u can sketch the world to life?

================uddalak banerjee

A word of Appreciation

Dark Light

" The Blind man saw,
and confessed to law,
that it was the limbless who draw,
bringing anarchy to law.

Which the deaf man heard,
and spread the wordless canard,
with many as few,
dumb in me shouted in jew."

======================uddalak banerjee


In the bed of a stirred Nation,
Lain the seed of a hunger bred Annihilation,
Yielding lawlessness by devious Necromancy,
Out of the mess would need a walk to the Cradle,
Union of faith hope and limitless Youth.

====================uddalak banerjee

Name Less

Although Life ends and begins in a vaccum, 

A frenzy hope breaks asyllum,
driven by desire of a falcon,
it seeks love like a devout pagan.

Both In reason and out of reason,
It often seeks to breach wall of treason,
like a fickle mind it runs and leaps,
but mass of memories tie it's hips.

Year on year a hope remains,
unlike an wound it seldom faints,
In deepest dreams of limitless fancy,
A nameless hand gives warmth in icy.

With life so short and dream as tall,
Erase the name and the heart rate falls,
In the jump of life and death,
It is the nameless who comes and calls.

=============================uddalak banerjee

Summer Internship Memory

"Forms and forms deadlines and ppts galore,
selling ,buying hope as others snore,
no one knows which is my shore,
in a bid to move from an outlier to core.

Every wishes to take the creme de la creme ,
to propel growth faster than a beam,
But in its quest so full of tests ,
I lonely bird am searching my nest.

" - uddalak banerjee

( This was based on feelings during summer internship process at XLRI)

Teachers Day

Teachers Day 

Every word you said was a devine blessing,
We met perhaps by a God's invisible tracing,
But mark you made will remain forever in action,
deeply engrained by Attention ,retention and motor reproduction.

Learnings are what that brings light in darkness,
unfortunate are those who are untouched by learning,
But then i have learnt not just for earning,
Thank you once again for harnessing my learning.

From Laws of land to Economics of life,
I learnt how to handle IR in a strife,
Through MCN i learnt to speak beyond the skype,
BY Quants i learnt to classify numbers by type.

With fundamentals of hr and beyond,
Of This assosiation I will be forever fond,
For it has created a everlasting bond,
Happy Teachers Day for this day, year and beyond.
========================uddalak banerjee ( Written on occassion of Teachers day at XLRI)

Parar Durga PUJA

## Language of this poem and the title is in bengali translated into English. #

Parar durga puja ( Parar naam- BIplobi khudiram sangha)
biplabi khudiram sanghar thik pashe,
shonkho ar ulu te bhora ashshin mashe,
ful fal pushpo dhak ar dhanuchi nacher ullashe ,
singhe chore ma durga ashe.

Halka hashir aalta ronge,
khushir chowa parar sobar moner kone,
mahishashur'r songe rone,
parar sobai toiri mone.

gaan ovinoi aalo ar nache,
pujor din jai je kome,
tobu biplobi mayer pashe,
"para "khudiram mate horshoullashe.

dosomi bhashe chokher jole,
biplabi dei pushpo bhore ma-yer cole,
shesh baar othe "ma ma bole",
"para " khudiram jai bhashan ghate.

==========================uddalak banerjee


best of league in countries 80,
in fortune 500 it stands at 130,
born in wisconsin way back in 1870s,
it entered aviation in private shuttles in 1970s.

From huggies,kotex to scott  and kleenex,
headed by Falk it has the UKs "Royal warrant",
Holding Strong with 10 strong patents,
Kimberly ranks 9 in Worlds 25 best work places.

With operations spanning 150 countries,
with customer base of 1.3 billion including infants,
it is interesting to see myself as an entrant,
to see if truely 2012 it is Best Employer for Healthy lifestylants.


Chidambaram vs subarao

Over CRR a fight between governor and minister is not uncommon,
IT started way back between krishnamachari and Benegal Ramu,
Once again Chindambaram and subarao started what was common ,
To drop CRR or not was what led to the battle of Memon.

With fiscal gloom and growth dooms it is india all in tatters,
to invest for growth or to consolidate is what fla
tall claims and long run differs for it is the short run which matters,
India rests amidst unrest to know who takes it out of current shatters.

===============uddalak banerjee



XLRI sip process
In 90 hours of its start it ended,
with more than 20 companys unattended,
X of Xl shone again ,
with in 3 and half days all 240 got its reign.

Squashing fears of economic bane,
like all years it did it again,
Thanks to seniors who lived upto their name,
showing us all what xl adds to our name.

======================uddalak banerjee 

#thanks seniors for your untiring effort and even in the most failing times and gd losses ,the food and drinks that u served were exemplary and will for ever be cherished ...

Lands where earth touches the skies..

Where light meets darkness..
where dream meets hope..
where life produces glimpses..
the land where i reside in dreams..

==========================uddalak banerjee 

Delhi Gang Rape

Happy she was so was her mate,
Were on a journey to a movie oflate,
But then alas! they did not know,
That they will meet the God's only foe.

The society atlarge just stood and watched,
as the bus weaved its way to delhis heart,
she tried hard to keep the devil away,
but soft she was and finally in pain gave away.

As she screamed and grimaced in monstrous pain,
the devils smiled made merry with their gain,
her only mate bled hard as he tried all in vain,
For with every drop of her blood humanity was brutally slain!

With her death now and government yet lying low,
in the face of a mob that daily seem to grow,
It is time for us to see within,
To slay the devil and give back life to humanity again .

=========================uddalak banerjee

Childrens Day (14th Nov)

‎14th nov
it is a day for children in lots,
for they are true and not bots,
for they are little tots small as dots,
for their smile they are always sought.

In victory or defeat they are tomorrow,
they bring joy even in sorrow,
flooded with dreams in their soft bonemarrow,
without them world would be very narrow.

==============uddalak banerjee

Week Before Valentine

Time for roses has just begun,
with just a week to valentine,
stacked up in rows in a pile , 
red , yellow and white,
all set to bring delight.

Shows filled with scents of lovely rose,
all await a taker with nimble toes,
As the petals tender,soft, scent the air,
would make the owners' mistress look bright and fair.

---------------------------------------------Uddalak banerjee

Rose Day

Roses are always beautiful yet calm,
with a crescent of green to hold the palm,
drops of blood that make it red ,
hope is what keeps the petals warm.

As days leap and nights seem to forever last,
with trillion dreams countless fasts,
all condensed in the rims as silent drops,
it's fragrance sweet should rob the heart as it must.

===================== uddalak banerjee

A Beautiful Picture

beauty is beauty in any form,
from the lips to cheeks it is always the norm,
from the rolling hair to the deep blue eyes,
it flows and runs as one watches and time flies.

With the wind when the hair flows and ebbs,
the dimple in her cheeks appears sweeter in the rays,
Days and nights i look at her amazed,
As reality and imagination join somewhere in the skies.

Fortune they say is what determines a meeting,
As love blooms thereafter with every greetings,
But then i a fool forever lost in the hazel eyes,
My yearning heart and mind have divorced all ties.

Every time i look at your heavenly picture,
it speaks to me as archeologist to scripture,
as eyes closes and darkness emerge,
it fills my mind with just your picture. 

===================  uddalak banerjee 

Stars That Shine on and on..

one ,two, three as they shine in the sky,
in them stands fortune of millions lie ,

like trillion points they map the dark night sky,
the more you count , the more u sigh.

The day i was born they smiled in the sky,
in deep long night when i feel to cry,
i try to feel their warmth but they are so high,
the more the sorrow the more it brings life to the tie.

For ones who are beaten and forsake another try ,
from a orphan to a small little fly,
they stand a reminder that after success does failure lie,
but then after night comes day for men who forever try.

====================uddalak banerjee

Summer Internship

There is no shall will or would , 
what one can one must and should,
with a tinge of pepper added to food,
PPOs are what that makes the mood.

With every sweat that goes to ground,
Bosses do often resemble a hound,
but then in mind with PPO doing round and round,
cataclysmically galvanises both sight and sound.

---------uddalak banerjee

Me as I always Am

For me my life was always aimless,
and yes attimes i find myself in the crowd faceless,
but yet with dreams that are often baseless,
I still believe sun,wind and rain to be priceless.

Yes and truely life is a race for countless by countless ,
and it does run on and on tireless,
but i have always found the race as tasteless,
perhaps thats what made me aimless.

Yes indeed time does swiftly pass ,
with more failures than success to surpass,
I still value the greenery in grass,
More than medals stored in glass.

----------------------------------------------uddalak banerjee


"  Good wish to be bad,
and Bad wish to be good,
With every failed wish one grows sad,
But being wish-less is never a fad.

So have hope all you lad,
life is bigger than dreams of a dad,
so wish and wish for as long as u might ,
What if Gods grant and wish comes right?


- uddalak banerjee


when path seems forever bending,
skies blue show ridges unending,
through green sea's i feel as if forever walking,
to the small wooden house which keeps me forever dreaming....

===================uddalak banerjee

Rakhsha Bandhan

From the gift of Karnavati to Humayun ,
this day in Shravan predates even the Mayan,
with threads that links Yama to Yamuna ,
Bali to Laxmi and Draupadi to Krishna

Amazing is the strength of the threads that outlasts centuries,
fights of demons amid st whisper of faith ,
rising above age ,caste and religion ,
creating a bond that is stronger than a thousand dominions .

=====================uddalak banerjee (wishing all brothers and sisters an awesome most and memorable day)

First Letters

When i wrote first,
It was neither love nor lust,
it was a desire to write and that i must,
even knowing the letters may not last .

Yet like a scribbling in the sands near an ocean,
you slowly build a castle of dreams ,
so have i tried through the temporal letters ,
to script a heart which is tired of life in fetters. 

================uddalak banerjee